Cooking Show #3 – Kitchen Challenges & Ticking Clocks

Whether homemade or restaurant perfect, great cooking is a time-sensitive challenge. Reality TV shows have brought our inner top chefs out of their shells! This mischievous album amps the tension around the kitchen with anxious comedic timing. With its playful and hopping instrumentation - ticking clock, drums or percussion, dramedy pizzicato or staccato strings, repetitive piano motifs, dangling mallets, marvelous metallic percs, pulsating or stealthy bass lines - this album is all about time passing and well spent around your favorite ingredients. Cooking shows get our juices flowing, and the clock ticking. These tracks are ideally suited for any TV Game, countdown game or content ruled by a chef, and your favorite cooking competition, of course. Scrub your pots and pans, hover over the oven…